How To Get Rid Of Hot Mop Smell

The smell of a hot mop can be a nuisance and can linger for days, if not weeks.

It can be caused by a variety of sources, including spilled food and drinks, pet accidents, smoke, and even mold. The smell is unpleasant and can make any room or area feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to get rid of the hot mop smell. Let’s start now.

What Causes Hot Mop Smell?

Hot mop smell is caused by organic matter that has been heated to a certain temperature.

This could include food particles that have been burned on the stovetop or in the oven, smoke from cigarettes or candles, pet urine or feces, and even mold.

All of these sources contain organic molecules that break down when heated and create an unpleasant odor.

Identifying the Source of Hot Mop Smell

The first step in getting rid of the hot mop smell is to identify its source.

If you know where the smell is coming from, it will be much easier to remove it. You should also check for any visible signs of burning or discoloration in order to determine the cause of the odor.

Once you have identified the source of the hot mop smell, you can begin to take steps to remove it.

How To Get Rid Of Hot Mop Smell

The smell of a hot mop is not just an annoyance; it’s a health risk.

The smell that fills your home every time you mop your floors is toxic and can cause allergies and asthma.

The smell is caused by the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are released from the chemicals that are in your typical floor cleaning solutions.

This smell is difficult to get rid of because you can’t just ventilate your home to get rid of the smell. Thankfully, there are a lot of things you can do to get rid of this smell.

Invest in a steam mop

Steam mops are the most effective tool for removing this smell because they use heat to sanitize surfaces without the use of chemicals.

It disinfects your floors, killing fungi and bacteria, making them safe for your family. You can use a steam mop to disinfect floors, bathrooms, and even kitchen surfaces.

Use essential oils

Essential oils will freshen your floors without the need for harsh chemical cleaners. To use essential oils to clean your floors, you can add a few drops to your steam cleaner or clean the area manually with a few drops of your chosen essential oil.

Use white vinegar

Vinegar serves as a natural disinfectant, and it’s inexpensive and easy to use. Simply mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray the area. Let it dry, and then wipe it clean with a clean cloth.

Use baking soda

Baking soda is another effective natural cleaner. Pour baking soda on your floor and then scrub it with a damp mop. The baking soda will absorb the smells on your floor and leave a fresh scent behind.

Use vinegar and water

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray your floor with the solution and then wipe the area with a damp mop.

Removing Hot Mop Smell from Carpets and Upholstery

Carpets and upholstery are particularly prone to absorbing odors such as the hot mop smell due to their porous nature.

To remove this odor from carpets and upholstery, you should first vacuum them thoroughly with a machine that has a HEPA filter attached.

This will help remove any particles that are causing the odor before using other cleaning products.

Cleaning Hard Surfaces

For hard surfaces such as tile and wood floors, you should use a damp cloth with warm water mixed with a mild detergent or vinegar solution to clean away any residue that may be causing the odor.

Be sure not to scrub too hard, as this could damage the surface finish or cause discoloration over time.

After cleaning these surfaces with warm water and a detergent or vinegar solution, rinse them off with clean water and allow them to air dry completely before using any other products or methods for removing the smell of a hot mop.

Deodorizing with Natural Products

In addition to cleaning surfaces affected by hot mop smells, you can also use natural products such as baking soda or white vinegar to deodorize the area further.

Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and upholstery before vacuuming them thoroughly in order to absorb any remaining odors.

In additional, white vinegar can be used in small bowls around affected areas in order to neutralize odors naturally without leaving behind any harsh chemical residues.

Using Chemical Deodorizers

Chemical deodorizers are also available if natural methods do not work well enough at removing hot mop smells from your home environment.

These products usually contain ingredients such as alcohols, which act as solvents for breaking down organic molecules that cause odors.

Be sure to read labels carefully before purchasing any chemical deodorizer product so that you know exactly what ingredients it contains.

Professional Cleaning Services

If all else fails then professional cleaning services may be necessary in order to completely remove all traces of hot mop smells from your home environment once-and-for-all!

Professional cleaners will have access to more powerful equipment than what is available on the consumer market.

Prevention Tips for Keeping Hot Mop Smells Away

The hot mop smell may linger in your home long after the cleaning job is done. To keep this smell at bay, here are some tips:

Wear a face mask

When cleaning with heavy chemicals, wearing a face mask can protect your face from inhaling unhealthy fumes.

Wear gloves

Wearing gloves can keep your hands clean and protected. Good gloves can help shield your hands from chemicals that could cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Keep the chemicals out of reach

When cleaning, you can keep the chemicals in a locked cabinet that is only accessible to you.

Keep the mop cover clean

A dirty mop cover can cause the chemicals to leak and wreak havoc on the air quality in your home.

Also Read: Comparing Hot Mop Shower Pan Vs Liner


In conclusion, hot mop smell is not healthy for anyone and should be removed as soon as possible.

The best way to get rid of the hot mop smell is by using hot mop disconnects. These devices are inexpensive and easy to install.

They also prevent fires and injuries from hot mops.